Thursday, January 14, 2010


Since more than five decades ago, Malaysia's population composition has changed in terms of numbers of birth, age and sex structure, mortality and migration. This shows that although the size of Malaysia's population increased but because fertility decline and death, formation of smaller family size more acceptable society, especially in urban areas. Before the formation of Malaysia in 1965, countries in the Peninsular Malaysia have been experiencing population growth rate. Based on census population in 1957, the population in Peninsular Malaysia is 6.27 million with an annual population growth is 3.0 per year (Department of Statistics Malaysia 1972). Population growth is high, namely 2.3 per cent (1970-1980), 2.6 per cent 1990-1991 and 2.6 percent (1991-2000). Based on the current situation, countries Malaysia will face many problems such as social-economic planning problems, and political environment.

After the formation of Malaysia in 1970, the population census has been conducted to obtain information and population data for planning projects of social and economic development to the community. All data and information collected through the census population, used to assess progress and change in population in each state or region in terms of population, age structure and gender, migration, education, employment and urbanization. Pattern change is very important to determine the direction of flow changes in the future. Flows in the future, will determine the direction of development and progress achieved in the industrial sector, agriculture and urbanization throughout the country. Countries with high population density is such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang.

The Concept of Population

A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live together in the same place, and that posess an average set of properties, such as birth rates and death rates. This definition recognizes that populations are made up of individual organisms but does not require that we know which individuals give birth or die, or where they are located in space. Instead the population is characterized by average birth and death rates, and variability in these averages is treated as a statistical property of the population. We sacrifice knowledge about the individual in order to have a practical theory that does not require us to have information about the inclination or location of individual organisms.

Most definitions of population have some kind of spatial reference. The simplest and least restrictive of these is that a population is a group of individuals of the same species that live together in a particular area (e.g., Roughgarden 1989). However, even though this definition is widely used by ecologists, it gives rise to serious difficulties and misinterpretations. A more rigorous definition should define the spatial dimension more precisely; for example, a group of individuals of the same species that live together in an area of sufficient size that all the requirements for reproduction, survival and migration can be met (e.g., Huffaker et al. 1984). The problem is, how does one define "an area of sufficient size"? Sometimes this area can be quite obvious as, for example, a population of elk inhabiting a particular drainage. In others it is less so. It may be helpful to conceive of an area of sufficient size such that the rates of emigration out of the area and immigration into the area are roughly balanced. Another approach is to imagine a circle large enough that an organism placed near its center would have a very low probability of exiting the circle during its lifetime. Whatever method is used to define the appropriate size of an area within which the population of a particular organism exists, it is important that most of the change in population size or density is due to births and deaths rather than immigration and emigration because the theory of population dynamics is based on this assumption. For a detailed discussion of the population concept, see Andrewartha and Birch (1984).

Local population is a group of organisms of the same species that live together in an area where there is a high probability of interbreeding. Also called a subpopulation or, in systematics, a deme. Emigration and immigration from local populations need not necessarily be balanced and there may be a fairly high probability of local extinction.

Metapopulation is a group of populations that share occasional migrants.

Absolute population is an estimate of the total number of organisms in an area.

Population density is an estimate of the number of organisms per unit area (e.g., hectare) or unit of habitat (e.g., kilogram of soil).

Relative population is an estimate of the number of organisms caught in nets or traps but which cannot be related to area in any way.

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