Thursday, January 14, 2010

factors to population in Malaysia

Marriage at a young age

Marriage among women in the younger age is the main contributor to the increase in births. Phenomenon also increase in births caused by cultural and religious factors. Traditional Malay culture, children are regarded award from Allah. Birth rate is also high due to failure in planning the number of family members. Level of fertility in Malaysia in general is still high, especially Malays compared to the Chinese and Indians who see the education system and career more important than the number of children. This situation will give a large impact on population growth in the birth of Malaysia.

Population Policy

Changes in population structure has long-term effects for the economy and social structure. In Malaysia, the population policy is considered as a factor affecting the population. Vision national policy emphasizes the development of energy resources and the need to achieve economic stability. The main purpose of population policy is to maintain a balanced population growth with resource and national development. At the end of the 1980s, the Malaysian Government has planned population growth to achieve 70 million people in the 21st century. Seeks to meet the needs of employment in 2020. To achieve that goal, the government has cut income tax liability until the fifth child. Other initiatives is to provide maternity leave for employees in the public sector. For male workers, they also granted special leave when his wife gave birth. Government also encourages employers to provide childcare places close to work for the career women.

Technological advances

The emergence of technology assist in the daily human activities. With the emergence of technology health, population more secure. Birth rate is higher due to increasing energy experts. Infrastructure in facilities such as health clinics and hospitals increased. Various types of medication can be produced. Effects on the spread of disease can be prevented immediately. Diseases dangerous and easily spread, such as malaria, cholera and tetanus also reduced due to the emergence of technology in medicine. Besides death resulting from disease can be reduced due to the discovery of medicines in the treatment of the disease process.

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